Villebois Real Estate

Common Villebois Questions

Where do I find contact information for my specific Villebois HOA?

The Villebois Community is made up of multiple homeowner associations. You can reach an individual association by visiting the City of Wilsonville website and selecting the appropriate HOA name from the available list.

Which schools will my child be inside the boundary for?

Lowrie Primary School is located inside the Villebois Community. Many households in Villebois are zoned for Lowrie. To see which school your Villebois home is zoned for, please visit the district boundary map site HERE.

How do I reserve one of the parks in Villebois for a private event or party?

Some parks inside the Villebois community are owned and operated by the City of Wilsonville. Others are still maintained by the HOA/developer that built them. During the first five years after development, the parks are maintained by the builder/developer. After five years, the City of Wilsonville takes over. To reserve city-owned parks, please visit the Parks & Recreation HERE. To reserve HOA maintained parks, please visit the City of Wilsonville website and select the appropriate HOA name from the available list.

How many homes are there inside the Villebois community?

Upon completion, the Villebois master planned community will be comprised of approximately 2,300 houses. To review the original Villebois concept plan, click HERE.